Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Don't look back


Years ago my Mom gave me a book and a framed copy of this illustration by Mary Englebreit.

The path the traveler is taking is labeled "Your Life" and the other path is labeled "No Longer An Option."

I thought the message appropriate at the time she gave it to me as I had learned some hard lessons and made positive changes in my life. I wasn't going to look, or go, back to the past. Now, many years later, I realize that I do look back - for the lessons. Mine and those I hope to glean from my ancestors because as Winston Churchill said in 1948, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Don't look back

  Years ago my Mom gave me a book and a framed copy of this illustration by Mary Englebreit . The path the traveler is taking is labeled ...